Thursday, December 17, 2009

Alianza Nacional de Trabajadores del Hogar - National Domestic Worker Alliance

Congreso del Oeste - West Coast Congress -2009

We recently went to the second annual National Domestic Worker Alliance conference in San Francisco. What is the NDWA you might ask?

The National Domestic Worker Alliance is an alliance of domestic and household workers in the United States and is a vehicle to build powernationally as a workforce. NDWA is organizing to improve the living and working conditions of domestic workers; win respect and justice from employers and government for exploited domestic workers; change the racism and sexism that has led to the persistent devaluing of this labor so that workers, their children, and the general public honor the dignity of domestic work; end the exclusion of domestic workers from recognition and protection; and continue a brave legacy of resistance by supporting movement-building among domestic workers and other communities and workers in struggle. -NDWA

La Alianza Nacional de Trabajadores del Hogar es una alianza de trabajadores de casas y trabajadores del hogar en los EEUU y es un vehiculo para construir poder nacionalmente como gremio. La ANTH esta organizando para mejorar las condiciones de vida y laborales de las trabajadoras del hogar; ganar respecto y justicia de empleadores y el gobierno para trabajadoras explotadas; cambiar el racismo y machismo que ha creado ue este labor no esta valorado para que las trabajadoras, sus hijos, y el publico honran la dignidad del trabajo del hogar; poner un fin a lal exclusion de las trabajadoras del hogar de reconocimiento y proteccion; continuar un legado valiente de resistencia a traves de apoyar la creacion de un movimiento de trabajadoras del hogar y otras comunidades y trabajadores en la lucha. -ANTH

The conference focused on various strategies to support household workers and improve the household work sector. These ranged from negotiation and non-toxic cleaning training to tactics for multiracial/multicultural communication and organizing.
Overall, the conference was amazing! We met dozens of strong women, both household workers and organizers, who were full of
energy,hope, and knowledge. These women shared their past work and organizing experiences with us to aid us in supporting household workers in Washtenaw County.

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